The Procedure for Dodge Sprinter VAN/Truck Cylinder head replacing.
The details for 3.0L Engine model.
The procedure is as follows:---
3.0L Engines
Left Side
Right Side
Car repair guide?
The details for 3.0L Engine model.
The procedure is as follows:---
3.0L Engines
Left Side
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Remove the engine appearance cover.
- Drain the cooling system.
- Remove the strut tower support.
- Remove the air cleaner outlet tube.
- Remove the charge air inlet tube.
- Disconnect the vacuum hose at the vacuum pump and set it aside.
- Remove the upper radiator hose.
- Disconnect the coolant reservoir hose at thermostat housing and set it aside.
- Disconnect the fuel supply and return hose quick connects at the left cylinder head cover.
- Loosen the high pressure fuel pipes at the fuel rail and disconnect the high pressure fuel pipes at the left injectors.
- Disconnect the high pressure fuel line at the high pressure pump.
- Disconnect the fuel rail solenoid wiring harness connector and remove the left fuel rail along with the fuel rail transfer pipe.
- Remove the low pressure fuel supply and return pipe bundle fasteners.
- Disconnect the right fuel rail pressure sensor and remove the fuel rail.
- Disconnect the camshaft position sensor (CMP), the right fuel injector wiring harness connectors, the right return fuel hoses from the injectors.
- Remove the return fuel bundle fasteners.
- Disconnect the water in fuel sensor, if equipped, and the turbocharger servo motor harness connectors.
- Remove the fuel filter bracket fasteners.
- Disconnect the fuel return hose bundle, engine ground strap, at the right front of the intake manifold.
NOTEHave a shop rag ready to capture any fuel spillage. - Remove the fuel filter, hose and pipe assemblies and position aside.
- Remove the turbocharger. For additional information, refer to the following section, "Turbocharger, Removal & Installation.-
NOTEObserve the way the engine oil supply and return ports in the turbocharger adapter housing align to the engine block for oil flow through the turbocharger. Failure to do so will result in immediate turbocharger failure. - Remove turbocharger oil housing adapter.
- Disconnect the swirl valve actuator, glow plugs, EGR pressure sensor and coolant temperature sensor wiring harness connector.
- Remove the main engine wiring harness fasteners and position the harness out of the way.
- Disconnect the EGR coolant pipe from the rear of the EGR housing.
- Remove the EGR valve.
NOTEThe intake manifold is of the split design meaning that there are two halves. Whenever the intake manifold is removed, inspect the shared coolant passage in the front of the intake manifold for leaks, repair as necessary. - Remove the intake manifold. For additional information, refer to the following section, "Intake Manifold, Removal & Installation.-
- Remove the accessory drive belt. For additional information, refer to the following section, "Accessory Drive Belt, Removal & Installation.-
- Remove the two idler pulleys.
- Remove the belt tensioner.
- Rotate the engine by the crankshaft damper bolt until cylinder No. 1 is at Top Dead Center (TDC).
- Raise and safely support the vehicle.
- Remove the right side starter blank.
- Disconnect the hydraulic cooling fan lines and capture the fluid in an approved and clearly marked container.
- Remove the front oil pan retaining bolts.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the left rear heater hose retainer.
- Remove the left fuel injectors.
- Disconnect the vacuum supply hose.
- Remove the oil filter housing bracket.
NOTEThe timing cover is sealed with Mopar®® sealant that may be difficult when separating components. If it is difficult to separate, heat the sealed edges or area with a heat gun. DO NOT use any heat source that works with flame. - Remove the left cylinder head cover.
- Observe the left camshaft gear alignment marks on the rear of the camshaft gears. If they are together, continue with the next step. If the left camshaft alignment marks are separated, rotate the engine by the vibration damper another 360 degrees, until camshaft marks align together and the vibration damper reaches TDC.
- Raise and safely support the vehicle.
- Install Special Tool 9102 Crankshaft Lock into the starter access blank.
Fig. Install Special Tool 9102 (2) into the starter access blank to lock the ring gear (3) into place. - Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the cooling fan module.
- Remove the vibration damper.
- Remove the front timing chain cover.
- Matchmark the balance shaft position to the engine block and timing chain.
- Matchmark the timing chain to crankshaft gear and camshaft drive gear relation.
- Raise and safely support the vehicle.
- Remove Special Tool 9102 Locking Tool.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the high pressure fuel pump.
- Rotate the engine and remove the left camshaft drive gear lower bolt.
NOTEThe left exhaust camshaft drive gear dowel pin should align at approximately the 12 O'clock position when viewing through the camshaft seal access hole. - Rotate the engine back to TDC and check the alignment marks at the balance shaft, camshaft gear and crankshaft gear.
- Remove the timing chain tensioner.
- Remove the remaining left camshaft drive gear retaining bolts.
- Separate the left camshaft drive gear and chain from camshaft.
- Remove the left camshaft retainers (1 and 2) and camshafts.
- Remove the left camshaft drive gear. Make a roll pin tool by using a tube, nut, bolt and washer. Place the nut on the bolt and the bolt through the tube. Thread the bolt into the roll pin and turn the nut to remove the roll pin (as illustrated).
Fig. Make a roll pin tool using a tube, nut, bolt and washer to remove the roll pin-3.0L Left cylinder head removal - Remove the left lower timing chain guide fastener and guide.
- Remove the left cylinder head glow plugs.
- Remove the cylinder head and gasket from engine block.
To install:
- Clean all remaining gasket material from the mating surfaces.
- Position the cylinder head and gasket on the engine block.
NOTEIf new cylinder head bolts are used, do not lubricate the new cylinder head bolts. They already are coated with an anti scuff treatment. - Lightly coat the cylinder head bolts with clean engine oil.
- Tighten the cylinder head mounting bolts as follows:
- Tighten the M12 bolts (1-8) in sequence to 44 ft. lbs. (60 Nm).
- Tighten the M8 bolts (9-10) to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Tighten the M12 bolts in sequence an additional 90 degrees.
- Verify the M8 bolts again to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Tighten the M12 bolts in sequence an additional 90 degrees.
Fig. Left cylinder head torque sequence-3.0L Engine
- Install the followers (2) and tappets (2) into their original positions.
- Install the glow plugs and tighten to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
- Install the camshafts. For additional information, refer to the following section, "Camshafts, Removal & Installation.-
- Align the camshaft marks so the alignment marks are facing each other.
- Insert the timing chain, through the cylinder head, and on to the camshaft drive gear.
- Align the balance shaft with the matchmark.
- Once the camshaft drive gear is mated with the timing chain, install the camshaft drive gear on to the camshaft and assure the balance shaft is aligned properly.
- Install the upper two of the three camshaft drive gear bolts.
- Install the left lower and upper timing chain guide.
- Install the timing chain tensioner.
- Rotate the engine by the crankshaft damper bolt enough to gain access to the third camshaft drive gear bolt hole.
- Install the third camshaft drive gear retaining bolt and tighten the bolt to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).
WARNINGIf the camshaft, balance shaft and or crankshaft alignment marks are not aligned properly immediate damage to the engine will occur. If the camshafts, balance shaft and or crankshaft do not align properly after rotating the engine to the original starting point, STOP and begin the alignment procedure again. - Rotate the engine back to TDC by the crankshaft damper bolt until the crankshaft, camshaft and balance shaft align TDC again.
WARNINGCheck that all the timing chain fits properly on all the timing gears. Failure to do so will result in immediate engine damage. - Install the timing chain cover and tighten the bolts to 74 inch lbs. (8.4 Nm).
- Raise and safely support the vehicle.
- Tighten the five front oil pan-to-timing cover bolts to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Install Special Tool 9102 Crankshaft Lock into the starter access blank.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Install the crankshaft damper and tighten the bolts to 148 ft. lbs. (200 Nm) plus 90°
- Apply a 1.5mm continuous bead of Mopar® Engine Sealant RTV around the diameter of the left cylinder head cover, and install the cover with new camshaft seals.
Fig. Apply a bead of RTV (1) around the diameter of the cylinder head cover-3.0L Left cylinder head cover installation - Tighten the bolts for the cylinder head cover as follows:
- Tighten the bolts in sequence to 35 inch lbs. (4 Nm).
- Tighten the bolts in sequence to 53 inch lbs. (6 Nm).
- Then tighten the bolts in sequence to 75 inch lbs. (8.4 Nm).
Fig. Left cylinder head cover torque sequence-3.0L Engine
- Install the oil filter housing bracket and tighten the bolts to 122 inch lbs. (13.8 Nm).
- Install the high pressure pump and tighten bolts to 120 inch lbs. (13.5 Nm).
- Install the belt idler pulleys and tighten the bolts to 43 ft. lbs. (58 Nm).
- Install the drive belt tensioner and tighten the bolts to 43 ft. lbs. (58 Nm).
- Install the accessory drive belt.
- Install the intake manifold. Tighten bolts to 12 ft. lbs. (16 Nm), starting in the middle and tightening in a cross pattern outward until reaching the upper thermostat bolts on the right front manifold.
NOTEThe right intake manifold upper thermostat housing bolts should be tightened to 74 inch lbs. (8.4 Nm).
NOTEThe fuel injector sealing washers MUST be replaced. DO NOT use the old sealing washers or double the sealing washers. - Lubricate the fuel injector body and install the left fuel injectors and new lower sealing washers.
NOTEThe injector retaining claw bolts are torque to yield and must always be replaced. - Install the injector retaining claws and tighten the bolts to 62 inch lbs. (7 Nm) plus 180°.
- Install the fuel return hoses and connect them to the injectors.
- Properly route and connect the engine wiring harness.
- Install the fuel rail. For additional information, refer to the following section, "Fuel Injectors, Removal & Installation.-
NOTEInspect the fuel lines for wear or damage, look closely around the flange area. Replace as necessary. DO NOT over tighten. - Install the high pressure fuel lines, including the fuel rail equalizing line. Tighten the line nuts to 20 ft. lbs. (27 Nm).
- Install the fuel filter.
- Install the turbocharger.
- Install the air control valve and resonator.
- Install the charge air cooler inlet pipe and resonator.
- Install the cooling fan module.
- Install the heater hose bracket and secure hoses.
- Connect the vacuum pump supply hose.
- Raise and safely support the vehicle.
- Remove Special Tool 9102 and install the starter blank.
- Connect the cooling fan hydraulic lines.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Refill the cooling system to the correct level.
- Ensure the power steering system is filled to the correct level.
- Install the strut tower support.
- Install the engine appearance cover.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Start the engine and check for leaks.
- Disconnect negative battery cable.
- Remove engine cover and brackets.
- Remove the strut tower support.
- Drain the cooling system.
- Remove the turbocharger.
NOTEObserve the way the engine oil supply and return ports in the turbocharger adaptor align to the engine block for oil flow through the turbocharger. Failure to do so will result in immediate turbocharger failure. - Remove the turbocharger oil housing adaptor.
- Remove the intake manifold.
- Remove the accessory drive belt.
- Remove the two idler pulleys.
- Remove the belt tensioner.
- Rotate the engine by the vibration damper bolt, to TDC.
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Remove right side starter blank.
- Disconnect the hydraulic cooling fan lines and capture the fluid in an approved and clearly marked container.
- Remove the front oil pan retaining bolts.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the breather/oil separator (1) assembly from the right cylinder head cover.
- Remove the right fuel injectors (6).
- Remove the fuel rail (3).
- Disconnect the vacuum supply hose from the vacuum pump (4).
- Remove the vacuum pump (4).
NOTEIf the cylinder head cover is difficult to remove, DO NOT PRY or damage the cover. Use a heat gun to warm the sealing surface until the cover can be removed.
Fig. Removing breather/oil separator, fuel injectors, fuel rail and vacuum pump - Remove the right cylinder head cover.
- Observe the right camshaft gear alignment marks (2). If they are together, continue with the next step. If the right camshaft alignment marks are separated, rotate the engine by the vibration damper until camshaft marks align together and the vibration damper reaches TDC.
Fig. Camshaft gear alignment marks - Raise and support the vehicle.
- Install special tool No. 9102 crankshaft lock.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the cooling fan module.
- Remove the vibration damper using special tool No. 9944.
- Remove front timing chain cover.
- Paint mark or scribe the balance shaft (2) position to the engine block and timing chain.
Fig. Marking the balance shaft (2) position to the engine block and timing chain. - Paint mark or scribe the timing chain to crankshaft gear and camshaft drive gear relation.
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Remove special tool No. 9102 crankshaft locking tool.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Rotate the engine and remove the right camshaft drive gear (1) lower bolt.
Fig. Right camshaft drive gear (1) lower bolt. - Rotate the engine back to TDC and check the alignment marks at the balance shaft, camshaft gear and crankshaft gear.
- Remove the timing chain tensioner.
- Remove the remaining right camshaft drive gear (1) retaining bolts.
- Separate the right camshaft drive gear and chain from camshaft.
- Remove the right camshaft drive gear.
- Remove the right camshafts retainers (1, 2) and camshafts.
- Make a roll pin tool by using a tube, nut, bolt and washer. Place the nut on the bolt and the bolt through the tube. Thread the bolt into the roll pin and turn the nut to remove the roll pin (as illustrated).
- Remove the right upper timing chain upper guide.
- Remove the right lower timing chain guide (1).
NOTEFollowers and tappets assemblies must be installed in same location as removed.
NOTEDo not store the cylinder head on the sealing surface. The glow plugs protrude into the cylinder surface area and may be damaged.
- Remove the right cylinder head glow plugs.
- Remove the cylinder head and gasket from engine block.
To install:
Inspect and measure all cylinder head bolt lengths. If out of specification, replace as necessary.
- Clean and inspect gasket mating surfaces.
- Position head gasket on engine block. Be sure the coolant passages align (part number should be facing up).
- Place the cylinder head on engine block.
CAUTIONInspect and measure all cylinder head bolt lengths. If out of specification, replace as necessary. Do not lubricate new cylinder head bolts. They already are coated with an anti scuff treatment. - Tighten cylinder head bolts following procedure below.
NOTEFollowers and tappets assemblies must be installed in same location as removed.
Tighten M12 cylinder head bolts 1 through 8, in the sequence shown to 44 ft. lbs. (60 Nm).Tighten bolts 9 and 10 to 177 inch lbs. (20 Nm).Tighten 12 mm cylinder head bolts, 1 through 8, in sequence shown an additional 90 degrees.Recheck and tighten M8 bolts 9 and 10 to 177 inch lbs. (20 Nm).And then again, tighten M12 cylinder head bolts, 1 through 8, in sequence an additional 90 degrees.
- Install the followers and tappets into their original positions.
- Install the glow plugs. Tighten glow plugs to 100 inch lbs. (12.5 Nm).
- Install the right exhaust camshaft. Tighten the retaining fasteners to 71 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
- Install the right intake camshaft. Tighten the retaining fasteners to 71 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
NOTECare must be taken to assure the proper exhaust camshaft to intake camshaft alignment. - Align the camshaft marks so the alignment marks are facing each other.
- Insert the timing chain, through the cylinder head, and on to the camshaft drive gear.
- Align the balance shaft with the scribe or paint mark.
- Once the camshaft drive gear is mated with the timing chain, install the camshaft drive gear on to the camshaft and assure the balance shaft is aligned properly.
- Install the upper two of the three camshaft drive gear bolts.
- Install the right lower timing chain guide, seat the guide pin at the top, and tighten the guide bolt to 9 ft. lbs. (12 Nm).
- Install the right upper timing chain guide, seat the guide pin at the top, and tighten the guide bolt to 9 ft. lbs. (12 Nm).
- Install the timing chain tensioner.
- Rotate the engine by the vibration damper bolt enough to gain access to the third camshaft bolt hole.
- Install the third camshaft drive gear retaining bolt and tighten the bolt to 13 ft. lbs. (18 N·m).
WARNINGIf the camshaft, balance shaft and or crankshaft alignment marks are not aligned properly, immediate damage to the engine will occur. If the camshafts, balance shaft and or crankshaft do not align properly after rotating the engine to the original starting point, STOP and begin the alignment procedure again. - Rotate the engine back to TDC by the vibration damper bolt until the crankshaft, camshaft and balance shaft align TDC again.
- Tighten the two remaining camshaft drive gear bolts to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).
WARNINGCheck that all the timing chain fits properly on all the timing gears. Failure to do so will result in immediate engine damage. - Add a 1.5 mm continuous bead of Mopar Engine Sealant RTV (1) to the timing chain cover and the front portion of the oil pan, then install the timing chain cover. Tighten the bolts to 74 inch lbs. (8.5 Nm).
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Install the 5 front oil pan to timing cover bolts. Tighten the bolts to 177 in. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Install special tool No. 9102 crankshaft lock.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Install the vibration damper. Tighten the bolts to 148 ft. lbs. (200 Nm). and then an additional 90°.
NOTECare must be taken not to get any engine sealer on the camshaft journals. - Add a 1.5 mm continuous bead of Mopar Engine Sealant RTV (1) to the cylinder head cover, then install the right cylinder head cover along with a new camshaft seal.
- Tighten the bolts in three stages following the sequence provided. First to 35 inch lbs. (4 Nm), then to 53 inch lbs. (6 Nm) and then to 75 inch lbs. (8.5 Nm).
- Install the oil separator (1) and housing adaptor (2) with new camshaft seal. Tighten the bolts to 97 inch lbs. (11 Nm).
- Align the pump drive gear (1) with the camshaft drive gear (3) and install the vacuum pump (2) with new gasket. Tighten bolts to 7 ft. lbs. (9 Nm).
- Install the belt idler pulleys (1) Tighten the bolts to 43 ft. lbs. (58 Nm).
- Install the accessory drive belt tensioner (2). Tighten the bolts to 43 ft. lbs. (58 Nm).
- Install the accessory drive belt.
CAUTIONThe right intake manifold upper thermostat housing bolts should be tightened to 74 inch lbs. (8.5 Nm). - Install the intake manifold. Tighten bolts to 142 inch lbs. (16 Nm), starting in the middle and tightening in a cross pattern outward until reaching the upper thermostat bolts on the right front manifold.
- Tighten the upper thermostat bolts on the right cylinder head to 74 inch lbs. (8.5 Nm).
CAUTIONThe fuel injector sealing washers MUST be replaced. DO NOT use the old sealing washers or double the sealing washers. DO NOT apply injector body lubricant near the injector nozzles. - Lubricate the fuel injector body, install the right fuel injectors and new sealing washers.
CAUTIONThe fuel injector retaining claw bolts are torque to yield and must always be replaced. - Install the injector retaining claws and tighten the bolts to 62 in. lbs., plus 180° (7 Nm, plus 180°).
- Properly route and install the fuel return hoses and connect them to the injectors.
- Properly route and connect the engine harness.
- Install the fuel rail (2). Tighten the bolts to 20 ft. lbs. (27 Nm).
CAUTIONInspect the fuel lines for wear or damage, look closely around the flange area. Replace as necessary. DO NOT over tighten. - Install the high pressure fuel lines (3), including the fuel rail transfer line (1). Tighten the line nuts to 24 ft. lbs. (33 Nm).
- Install the fuel filter and connect the harnesses and hoses using Fuel Line Pliers 9539 Hose Clamp pliers.
CAUTIONCare must be taken when installing the turbocharger oil housing adaptor. The gasket MUST be aligned properly with the oil housing passages or immediate damage to the turbocharger will occur. - Install the turbocharger oil housing adaptor with the gasket tabs secured to the adaptor. Tighten bolts to 9 ft. lbs. (12 Nm).
- Install the turbocharger.
- Install the charge air inlet pipe and resonator.
- Install the air control valve and resonator.
- Install the cooling fan module.
- Connect the vacuum pump supply hose.
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Remove special tool No. 9102 crankshaft lock.
- Install the starter blank.
- Connect the cooling fan hydraulic lines.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Fill the cooling system.
- Fill power steering system.
- Install the strut tower support.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Start engine, allow to warm, turn engine off and inspect for leaks.
- Purge the air from the power steering system using the scan tool.
- Install the engine cover brackets and engine cover.
These details will help.
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