Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How To Replace Power Recirculating Ball Steering Gear on Cadillac Catera?

In this chapter the details are provided for how to replace Power Recirculating Ball Steering Gear.

Its complete procedure with details and diagrams.

Power Recirculating Ball Steering Gear Removal & Installation details are as follows:----

  1. Remove the windshield wiper assembly.
  2. Remove the three body harness electrical connectors (1). 

    Fig. Body harness electrical connectors
  3. Remove the ECM from the electrical box.
  4. Drain the cooling system.
  5. Remove the upper radiator hose.
  6. Evacuate and recover the refrigerant from the A/C system.
  7. Remove the A/C evaporative line extension bolt (1). 

    Fig. A/C evaporative line extension bolt (1)
  8. Siphon the power steering fluid from the reservoir to prevent excessive spillage.
  9. Remove the power steering fluid reservoir bracket bolt.
  10. Remove the power steering fluid reservoir.
  11. Siphon the brake fluid from the reservoir to minimize spillage.
  12. Remove the brake booster vacuum connection from the intake plenum.
  13. Remove the brake pipes from the master cylinder.
  14. Remove the electrical connector from the master cylinder reservoir cap.
  15. Remove the sound insulator tabs.
  16. Remove the sound insulator.
  17. Match-mark the lower steering coupler with splines on the steering gear, if the same gear is to be reinstalled.
    Do not allow the steering wheel to rotate when the steering gear coupler is disconnected or damage to the SIR coil inside the steering column will result.
  18. Remove the steering coupler bolts (1) from the coupler. 
    After the key is removed, a substantial range of steering wheel travel is possible before the locking mechanism will set, therefore, it is necessary to lock the steering wheel with a locking device.

    Fig. Steering coupler bolts (1)
  19. Place the steering wheel in the straight ahead position.
  20. Lock the steering wheel in place with the appropriate device.
  21. Remove the key from the ignition.
  22. Carefully spread the clamp open to allow the shaft to be moved upward and out of the way of the steering gear connection.
  23. Perform the following steps to remove the brake pedal from the brake power booster link rod:
    1. Remove the retaining clip from the pin.
    2. Drive the pin out of the linkage rod.
    3. Remove the I/P driver knee bolster energy absorber.
    4. Remove the fuse.
    5. Remove the relay panel screws.
  24. Position the panels out of the way to enable easier access to the upper brake vacuum booster nuts.
  25. Remove the vacuum booster nuts from the inward side of cowl.
  26. Remove the vacuum booster with the master cylinder attached.
  27. Remove the A/C evaporator line extension quick connect.
  28. Remove the power steering hoses (2) from the steering gear. The repositioning of the power steering hoses aids in the EBTCM/BPMV assembly removal.
  29. Remove the Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) assembly.

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Upper heat shield bolt (1) Power steering hoses from steering gear (2)
  30. Remove the heat shield upper fastening bolt (1).
  31. Raise and support the vehicle.
  32. Remove the pitman arm nut and washer. Mark alignment of the pitman arm in relation to the splines on the steering gear if the steering gear is to be reused.
  33. Remove the pitman arm using a universal pitman arm puller. Note the rubber steering gear shaft protector.

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Pitman arm assembly
  34. Remove the lower heat shield nuts (1).

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Lower heat shield nuts (1)
  35. Remove the steering gear lower bolts, nuts, and washers.

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Steering gear mounting bolts
  36. Lower the vehicle.
  37. Remove the heat shield.
  38. Remove the electrical connection (1) from the power steering fluid flow control valve actuator.

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Power steering flow control valve connector (1)
  39. Remove the upper steering gear bolt and shim(s). Note the position of the shim(s) for reinstallation.
  40. Remove the steering gear.
To install:
  1. Center the steering gear, as follows:
    1. Rotate the stub shaft from stop to stop with an 5 / 16 inch (8 mm) open-end wrench counting the number of turns before installing on the vehicle.
    2. Starting at either stop, turn the stub shaft back 1 / 2 the total number of turns.
    3. Align the mark on the stub shaft to V mark on the steering gear case. This is the center of the gear.

      Click image to see an enlarged view
      Fig. Centering the steering gear
  2. Install steering gear.
  3. Install the shim(s).
  4. Install the upper steering gear bolt and tighten until snug. Tighten to final specifications will be done after the remaining bolts are installed.
  5. Install the electrical connection (1) to the power steering fluid flow control valve actuator.
  6. Install the heat shield and tighten the upper heat shield bolt to 71 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
  7. Raise and support the vehicle.
  8. Install the lower steering gear bolts, nuts, and washers and tighten to 30 ft. lbs. (40 Nm).
  9. Install the lower heat shield nuts (1) and tighten to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Power steering flow control valve connector (1)

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Steering gear mounting bolts

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Lower heat shield nuts (1)
  10. Perform the following steps to install the pitman arm:
    1. Ensure the rubber steering gear shaft protector is in place prior to installing the pitman arm.
    2. Align the pitman arm with the marks on the steering gear if the until has not been replace.
      The pitman arm and the steering gear are blind splined to assist in proper installation.
    3. Install the pitman arm washer and nut and tighten to 118 ft. lbs. (160 Nm).
  11. Lower the vehicle.
  12. Install the EBCM assembly.
  13. Install the power steering gear inlet and outlet hoses to the steering gear and tighten to 21 ft. lbs. (28 Nm).
    Use new O-rings when installing the A/C evaporator line extension quick connect. Lubricate the new O-rings with mineral oil 525 viscosity.
  14. Install the A/C evaporator line extension quick connect.
  15. Install the vacuum booster with master cylinder attached.
  16. Install the vacuum booster nuts to the inward side of cowl and tighten to 15 ft. lbs. )20 Nm).
  17. Install the fuse.
  18. Install the relay panel and tight the screws until snug.
  19. Install the I/P driver knee bolster energy absorber.
  20. Perform the following steps to install the brake pedal to the brake power booster link rod:
    1. Drive the pin into the linkage rod.
    2. Install the retaining clip to the pin.
  21. Position the lower steering coupler marks.
    1. Connect the coupler, if installing the same gear. If the gear has been replaced, place the front wheels in the straight ahead position and connect the coupler.
    2. Install the coupler bolts (1) to the coupler and tighten to 16 ft. lbs. (22 Nm).

      Click image to see an enlarged view
      Fig. Steering coupler bolts (1)
  22. Install the sound insulator.
  23. Install the sound insulator tabs.
  24. Install the brake pipes to the master cylinder and tighten to 12 ft. lbs. (16 Nm).
  25. Install the electrical connector to the master cylinder reservoir cap.
  26. Install the brake booster vacuum connection to intake plenum.
  27. Position the power steering fluid reservoir.
  28. Install the power steering fluid reservoir clamp bolt and tighten to 62 inch lbs. (7 Nm).
    Use new sealing O-rings when installing the A/C evaporator line extension to cowl. Lubricate the new O-rings with mineral oil, 525 viscosity.
  29. Install the A/C evaporator line extension to cowl and tighten to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. A/C evaporative line extension bolt (1)
  30. Install the upper radiator hose.
  31. Install the ECM to the electrical box.
  32. Install the three body harness electrical connectors (1).

    Click image to see an enlarged view
    Fig. Body harness electrical connectors
  33. Install the windshield wiper assembly.
  34. Fill the engine cooling system.
  35. Bleed the power steering system.
  36. Recharge and leak check the A/C system.

These details will help.


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